<- read_delim("datasets/wildschwein_BE_2056.csv", ",")
# Careful! What Timezone is assumed?
<- wildschwein |>
sabi st_as_sf(coords = c("E", "N"), crs = 2056, remove = FALSE) |>
== "Sabi",
TierName >= "2015-07-01",
DatetimeUTC < "2015-07-03"
DatetimeUTC )
Input: Segmentation
You’ve read Laube and Purves (2011) about segmenting trajectories. In the paper, the authors define “static” fixes as “those whose average Euclidean distance to other fixes inside a temporal window v is less than some threshold d”, as illustrated in Figure 16.1

- Specify a temporal windows \(v\) for in which to measure Euclidean distances.
- Measure the distance from every point to every other point within this temporal window \(v\).
- Remove “static points”: These are points where the average distance is less than a given threshold. This segments the trajectory into subtrajectories.
- Now remove short subtrajectories: These are trajectories with a short duration (whereas “short” is tbd).
We will demonstrate implementing this method on the wild boar “Sabi”, restricting ourselves to a couple of tracking days. Your task will be to understand this implementation and apply it to your own movement data.
Open a RStudio Project for this week. Next, copy the wild boar data you downloaded last week (wildschwein_BE_2056.csv) to your project folder. If you cannot find this dataset on your computer, you can re-download it from moodle. Transform the data into an sf
object, filter for the wild boar Sabi and a datetime between “2015-07-01” and “2015-07-03”.
Step a): Specify a temporal window \(v\)
In the above dataset, the sampling interval is 15 minutes. If we take a temporal window of 60 minutes, that would mean including 4 fixes. We need to calculate the following Euclidean distances (pos representing single location):
Step b): Measure the distance to every point within \(v\)
We can use the function distance_by_element from week 2 in combination with lead()
and lag()
to calculate the Euclidean distance. For example, to create the necessary offset of n-2, we use lag(x, 2)
. For each offset, we create one individual column.
<- function(later, now) {
distance_by_element as.numeric(
st_distance(later, now, by_element = TRUE)
<- sabi |>
sabi mutate(
nMinus2 = distance_by_element(lag(geometry, 2), geometry), # distance to pos -30 minutes
nMinus1 = distance_by_element(lag(geometry, 1), geometry), # distance to pos -15 minutes
nPlus1 = distance_by_element(geometry, lead(geometry, 1)), # distance to pos +15 mintues
nPlus2 = distance_by_element(geometry, lead(geometry, 2)) # distance to pos +30 minutes
Now we want to calculate the mean distance of nMinus2
, nMinus1
, nPlus1
, nPlus2
for each row. Since we want the mean value per Row, we have to explicitly specify this before mutate()
with the function rowwise()
. To remove this rowwise-grouping, we end the operation with ungroup()
Note that for the first two positions, we cannot calculate a stepMean
since there is no Position n-2
for these positions. This is also true for the last to positions (lacking a position n+2
<- sabi |>
sabi rowwise() |>
stepMean = mean(c(nMinus2, nMinus1, nPlus1, nPlus2))
) ungroup()
Simple feature collection with 192 features and 11 fields
Geometry type: POINT
Dimension: XY
Bounding box: xmin: 2569724 ymin: 1204916 xmax: 2570927 ymax: 1205957
Projected CRS: CH1903+ / LV95
# A tibble: 192 × 12
TierID TierName CollarID DatetimeUTC E N
<chr> <chr> <dbl> <dttm> <dbl> <dbl>
1 002A Sabi 12275 2015-06-30 22:00:13 2569972. 1205366.
2 002A Sabi 12275 2015-06-30 22:16:06 2569975. 1205637.
3 002A Sabi 12275 2015-06-30 22:30:19 2570266. 1205857.
4 002A Sabi 12275 2015-06-30 22:45:13 2570208. 1205913.
5 002A Sabi 12275 2015-06-30 23:00:10 2570247. 1205731.
6 002A Sabi 12275 2015-06-30 23:15:17 2570512. 1205279.
7 002A Sabi 12275 2015-06-30 23:30:38 2570684. 1205103.
8 002A Sabi 12275 2015-06-30 23:45:16 2570526. 1205051.
9 002A Sabi 12275 2015-07-01 00:00:10 2570532. 1205044.
10 002A Sabi 12275 2015-07-01 00:15:14 2570530. 1205059.
# ℹ 182 more rows
# ℹ 6 more variables: geometry <POINT [m]>, nMinus2 <dbl>, nMinus1 <dbl>,
# nPlus1 <dbl>, nPlus2 <dbl>, stepMean <dbl>
Step c): Remove “static points”
We can now determine if an animal is moving or not by specifying a threshold distance on stepMean
. In our example, we use the mean value as a threshold: Positions with distances below this value are considered static.
<- sabi |>
sabi mutate(static = stepMean < mean(stepMean, na.rm = TRUE))
<- sabi |>
sabi_filter filter(!static)
sabi_filter ggplot(aes(E, N)) +
geom_point(data = sabi, col = "red") +
geom_path() +
geom_point() +
coord_fixed() +
theme(legend.position = "bottom")